Re: Monte Carlo Yield Analysis
See what you can do about asserting a particular MC seed
& iteration, to get at a problem case deterministically. We
used to have this ability "back in the day" but this was with
a particular foundry's legacy process kit setup. You need to
be able to force a consistent fail, to debug.
I would begin with looking at the output position of the op
amp and the input offset, at the condition. Your AVOL sim
depends on the amplifier being nulled, to get the (peak)
gain answer. If your initial condition is jacked, gain suffers
big time. Some testbenches will allow such an initial condition.
You may also want to place, alongside your design, some
PCM-equivalent test devices and bias networks that will
let you observe whether you are being "taxed" by bogus
individual-device attributes (i.e. ones that would be rejected
at WAT), or determine some relation between the MOS
device attributes and any circuit level misbehavior. You
want to pick off VT, subthreshold slope (although this is
seldom criticized), gm, and something for Rout (lambda,
Early voltage, whatever).