Hi all
i have written a simple code for IRQ interrupt which should display one led pattern before interrupt and other after interrupt has occurred. the interrupt is an external interrupt EINT0. i dont have any errors in code i even made changes in the startup file but even then i am not able to see the output on the board after loading it.......pls say what d error is and what changes i should i make in startup file for intterupts so dat i get the output ..
its urgent pls hep me.......
the code is
#include "LPC23xx.h"void delay(void)//delay function{int i;for(i =0; i <=10000000;i++);}void INT0_ISR() __irq
FIO2CLR =0X000000FF;
FIO2SET =0X000000AA;
EXTINT =(1<<0);// Clear the Interrupt Flag for EINT0
VICVectAddr =0;}int main(){
FIO2DIR =0X000000FF;
FIO2CLR =0X000000FF;
PINSEL4 =(1<<20);
EXTMODE =0X00;// Set as Level Sensitive
EXTPOLAR =0X00;// Set as low active
VICIntSelect =0X00;// Set VIC Interrupt slot as IRQ Request
VICVectPriority14 =0X00;// Set the Higest priority for the VIC Interrupt Slot
VICVectAddr14 =(unsigned) INT0_ISR;// Load the ISR Address to Address Register
VICIntEnable =(1<<14);// Enable the INT0 Slot
FIO2SET =0X00000055;while(1);return0;}