[MOVED] how to choose Raspberry for an emdedded Linux operation

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Junior Member level 1
Feb 25, 2014
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Hi everyone,
I want to do some quite advanced graphic interfacing for embedded systems. I have been fetching information for a while
and, afterwards, i learnt that what i want to do is possible if i use embedded linux on a Raspberry pi.
The graphic interface that i want to develop is very specific and very close to the way a personnal computer
does display (frames, windows and all ). That is the reason why i chosed and embedded OS.
But i don't really know how to do it. So does anyone has an Idea of the steps i should follow in order to succeed (how do i choose the card
, what is the most important part, and what will be the most important point i should focus on and not miss).
I would be very thankful if you helped.

Thanks, DRO.

The Pi has an HDMI interface that should work for you?
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    Points: 2
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Yes i have seen it, but there are two things:
The first one is that i will be using and embedded LCD TFT screen with a
touch-pad layer. So i won't necessary use the HDMI.
The second is that i absolutely don't know how the Rasberry Works. Is it like a Micro controller
in which the bytecode is launched via a PC? or do we use and External Jtag Programmer?
How do we embed the Os in it? and once the OS is embedded how do you do?
thank you very much for help.

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