[SOLVED] [Moved] how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

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Anu Issac

Newbie level 5
Sep 29, 2014
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I'm using VmodCam and Atlys board.. I would like to get the individual frames from both the cameras while working in the video mode itself for doing some processing on it.. Please let me know to get this data..

Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

A quick look at the VmodCam datasheet seems to allow you to get a raw output of streaming data from it. I'm assuming there must be some formatting involved for the uncompressed Bayer data (never heard of it before so I can't comment on it). If you find out what format that data is in, you might be able to derive the frame information you need.

Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

Thank you so much for your reply.

I got a demo project from digilent site(HD_Demo13) where output is configured in RGB format(565 format). Here FIFO is bypassed and parallel output is enabled. I think I would be able to get frames by looking into the FRAME_VALID & LINE_VALID signals..

But, I would be glad if you help me to find out where these frames are stored. :smile:
They have mentioned about storage in DDR2 memory(used as frame buffer), but their addresses are not mentioned. If I can get this address, will I be able to get frames directly from them?..


Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

I had downloaded the demo project from the following link

Doc. DSD-0000310

It says DDR memory is used as frame buffers.. it also has a DVI_Transmitter modile to convert into HDMI format..the inputs to this module id RED_I, GREEN_I and BLUE_I along with some sync signals. So I understand that these 24 bits of information would correspond to each pixel of the image captured. Can I grab the frames from these data? Is it the right direction I am trying ?

Also, in the file FBCtl.vhd, they mention about MSEL_I which configures the read port to stream data from either frame buffer. But this is not used in an of the programs.:-( So I find it difficult to track it..

My aim is to grab the frames from both the cameras simultaneously and do some processing in it..
Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

Assuming FBCtl.vhd is something like framebuffer control ... just set MSEL_I to some static value for now. 1'b0 should probably do the trick. It's just a selection signal, doesn't really require a full example I would think. Or are you unclear as to what MSEL_I does?

[moved] How can we separate frames from the video

I'm also trying to grab Frames from VmodCAM in video mode(using Atlys FPGA board)..but don't where they are getting stored.. I downloaded a demo project(Demo HD 13.zip) from digilent site

Doc. DSD-0000310

My aim is to grab frames from both cameras and do some processing in them.
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Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

I know what MSEL_I does.. but cant find where it is used..

ok...U r right that FBCtl.vhd is a Frame Buffer Controller, which uses DDR memory for physical storage..it says...but how can I get these frames separately?

Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

Well, not by using just FBCtl.vhd it seems like. At least not based on the information you gave us. How exactly do you expect a forum reader to answer your question? I don't have that VmodCam board (do have an Atlys however), and I am not going to guess what sources you are using...

Post better details and you get better answers and all that...

- - - Updated - - -

And before you even think about it: I did see your link. More details please. It's your design, so you get to spend some time explaining the problem in full. That way we can prevent a lot of assumptions...

Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

I apolygize... But I had attached a link where the whole project is available.

Doc. DSD-0000310

more details:
the vhd files in the project are CamCtl, FBCtl, iodrp_controller, iodrp_mcb_controller, mcb_raw_wrapper, mcb_soft_calibration, mcb_softy_calibration_top, memc3_wrapper, SysCon and VmodCAM_Ref.
Apart from these, digilent library files are also used..
the CamCtl.vhd configures the VmodCAM to operate in diff modes..I could do some modifications in it n see the results. there are Snapshot mode, Video mode etc.. we can also change output formats:RGB565, YUV etc..

SysCon.vhd provides clocks and reset signals for the whole design.

VmodCAM.vhd shows off the video feed from 2 cameras.they are displayed on a DVI-capable flat panel. Each of the feeds are written to a frame buffer port to different locations in RAM. Switch 7 can changes the display from one feed to another.

I was trying to understand the code, so that I could use it for my work.. I shall keep on digging into the programs...

Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

Well, then it sounds like the modules as provided do not do exactly what you require. If as you say the feeds are already in memory simultaneously, then "all" you need to make is a module accessing these. If somehow I misunderstand, and the feeds are NOT in memory simultaneously, then that is the first thing you will have to fix...
Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??

I have grabbed the frame needed from 2 cameras (real time)..and now I need to send them to my PC from the FPGA..
Can you please suggest a suitable method for sending the frames to PC??

PLS answer ... Thank you for your time

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