Re: how can i access the frame buffer to get the video frames??
I apolygize... But I had attached a link where the whole project is available.
Doc. DSD-0000310
more details:
the vhd files in the project are CamCtl, FBCtl, iodrp_controller, iodrp_mcb_controller, mcb_raw_wrapper, mcb_soft_calibration, mcb_softy_calibration_top, memc3_wrapper, SysCon and VmodCAM_Ref.
Apart from these, digilent library files are also used..
the CamCtl.vhd configures the VmodCAM to operate in diff modes..I could do some modifications in it n see the results. there are Snapshot mode, Video mode etc.. we can also change output formats:RGB565, YUV etc..
SysCon.vhd provides clocks and reset signals for the whole design.
VmodCAM.vhd shows off the video feed from 2 cameras.they are displayed on a DVI-capable flat panel. Each of the feeds are written to a frame buffer port to different locations in RAM. Switch 7 can changes the display from one feed to another.
I was trying to understand the code, so that I could use it for my work.. I shall keep on digging into the programs...