[moved] Facing Problem in burning AVR ATMEGA32 in eXtreme Burner

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Newbie level 6
Jan 22, 2013
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I am facing problem in burning avr atmega32 in extreme burner 1.2

When I give chip erase it is successfully done
and also gave fuse bits DE(low) C9(high)
this is also successful

But when I burn my code it is showing me the following error

And after that whenever I give any command such as erase or read write it is giving me the same error

I am using external crystal of 11.0592 MHz

What is the correct fuse bit configuration or is there any other reason

Plz help I have already destroyed my 5-6 avr atmega32


ok, first, try writing the FLASH first!
it it's successful, you can write the fuses...

a new atmega comes with the internal oscillator enabled, so your first commands get answered correctly.. once it changes to an external oscillator, and the oscillator is faulty, you lose the communication...

I can think only two possibilities:

1. you crystal oscillator is bad... maybe the 11.0592MHz is Faulty (LOWFuse 0xDE ??? I think for a big crystal like that it needs to be 0xEF !!! , so try testing with a slower crystal, like 1MHz ) maybe your coupling capacitors are faulty... get rid of them...

2. you messed the HIGHFuse... if you set bit 5 (SPIEN) to 1 (like writing 0xFF) you can disable the SPI programming port, and you lose further programming capabilities... to resurect your microcontrollers, look for HVSP fix like here https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-fix-dead-atmega-and-attiny-avr-chips/

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