[moved]EMC Compliance issues - New tool

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Jul 12, 2022
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Did you have trouble with passing EMC in the past? Was your product launch delayed?
We are an early-stage startup backed by TDK, developing a new approach to solving EMC compliance early in the product design stages.

With Mitai's EMC software solution, we help you to detect EMC issues early in the design phase and provide you with tailored recommendations on how they can be resolved before they create a bigger problem later on. We do this by analysing your designs with our software to highlight potential issues. Next, we run our unique recommendation engine to give you in-depth analysis and further insights. This provides you with a solution to the problem, not just the cause of it.

And if you want to go a step further, our experts can chat directly with you to help you overcome the problem in an efficient way. Providing guidance based on their years of experience in tackling EMC problems.

EMC design can be a complicated and time-consuming process. But with Mitai's multi-level approach, we help you to design smarter so that you are market-ready faster than ever before. Check out https://www.mitai.ai/ for more information.

To help us further improve our product, we would really appreciate 5 minutes of your time to complete a short survey. All information is confidential and will be used to guide our development roadmap over the next few months. You can win a free EMC consulting or one of 10 Amazon vouchers worth 100€! Help us by participating in our survey on common EMC issues. Just hit the link to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/impact_of_emc_f

Thank you!


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