Hello all. I finished my layout for an inverter a couple of hours ago and ran DRC and LVS with no errors (they were successful).
I then needed to make a layout for an xor gate which used two inverters. After I used the "pick from schematic" option, I instantly ran a DRC check, which then gave 228 "Edge not on grid" errors. I know that this error has something to do with the length and width of the rectangles I drew in my layout (something about having L or W that is a multiple of the technology I am using? may someone please explain?), I don't completely understand though, so an explanation or a link will be nice (I tried googling some the error, but I was not able to find something that was noob-friendly). I find it weird that I didn't get DRC errors in my inverter but I did get errors when that inverter was used in other schematics/layouts. Also whatever the error is, since I have 228 of them, should I redo the inverter? or is this error fixable?
Thank you
PS: I hope this is the right forum... Sorry if it is not.