what I have:
A single wire from my apart wall, that connects to the door button, when I use multimeter, it reads 0V - 0.5V AC, when someone press the door button, it raises to 5V AC
I have no access to the door buzzer transformer, and I don't konw when it's isolated or floating or even has a ground
a Rasyberry Pi B, some resistor, some capacitors, some sharp817 optoisolators, a breadboard, some jumper wires
What I want to do:
I want to connect this wire through an optoisolators and resistors to the RPi's GPIO, so I can call something like
GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING, callback=my_callback) to detect the door button push event
The GPIO from the RPi only accepts 3.3V DC
What's my problem:
I have no idea how to exactly make the cirecuit work, especially there is only one AC wire (positive live wire may be?, where's the ground wire?)
please help