Program: @(#)$CDS: virtuoso version 6.1.5 12/17/2012 14:39 (cic2009lnx) $
Sub version: sub-version IC6.1.5.500.15 (32-bit addresses)
*WARNING* Unable to export thumbnail MPS services
Loading geView.cxt
Loading menuBuilder.cxt
Loading schView.cxt
Loading selectSv.cxt
Loading LVS.cxt
Loading layerProc.cxt
Loading xlUI.cxt
Loading auCore.cxt
Loading dcm.cxt
Loading vhdl.cxt
Loading seismic.cxt
Loading ci.cxt
Loading ams.cxt
*WARNING* (icLic-31) virtuoso: Could not export the license service for the session 'virtuoso4053' on host 'rahul'.
Virtuoso Framework License (111) was checked out successfully. Total checkout time was 0.01s.
cdsServIpc: connection timeout (local host)
cdsServIpc: connection timeout (local host)
Waiting for ipc:3 to initialize
Waiting for ipc:3 to initialize
*WARNING* Unable to start up library manager (libManager.exe) after 60 tries.
There maybe an access or network problem.
Start the library manager from an Unix Shell window to test the accessibility.
Variable ddsvMPSTimeOut (60) can be set to increase or decrease the number of attempts.
cdsServIpc: ipcIsAliveProcess connection timeout (local host)