[moved] bluetooth? UFH? ASK 433/315MHZ? Close range radar application

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Newbie level 1
Oct 10, 2014
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I'm starting a project to build a mobile app that will be used to locate objects, namely disc golf frisbees. My idea is each disc will have a sticker/tag underneath and people will use their smart phones to find a lost disc. Knowing the distance you are away from the object is key. Getting the user within a few feet is my target.

Think about the golfer that threw the disc into some thick trees or maybe had a blind tee shot and wasn't sure where it landed. They could open this app and hopefully lead them towards the disc (getting hot/cold indication).

I'm hoping you guys can give me some advise and ideas on what to use, I've looked at several options and none of them are a perfect fit..

My first thought was Bluetooth 4.0 beacons. Newer phones can read them and there are algorithms to approximate the distance based on signal strength. I got a few StickNFind beacons for about $20 each, not bad but still a bit much for a player wanting to track five+ items. I would have to drop $100 just for my drivers.. They are also a bit heavy at about 5 grams and have a battery life of only a year. I'm also concerned about how well the adhesive will stick after a few hard landings or getting them wet.

I looked at NFC and LF/HF RFID but the range makes it useless for this. unless I'm missing something?

I like the idea of UHF RFID, the stickers are cheap and from what I understand I can get a reader that reaches past 10 meters, that would be more than enough, but the price out of my range.. I saw cheaper ones saying 3-6 meters, which would be fine, but portable versions were still expensive! And how would I tie this back to the phone? RS232 to Bluetooth adapter?

Is there any way to tell how far the sticker is from the reader? I assume direction is easy since most antennas need to point at it, or do they?

I came across this:


Wasn't sure if that works with passive tags or how good the specs really are.. (sorry I'm a n00b :-( )

I also saw "ASK 433/315MHZ" but wasn't sure what this is, I need to research it more.. I think its active UHF or something?

Now that I'm in WAAAY over my head, I thought I'd turn to you guys to get me on the right path. All thoughts and ideas welcome, I look forward to your input (sorry for the rambling)

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