[MOVED]Automatic gate control using car horn as operator.

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Newbie level 2
Jun 25, 2011
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please i need help in my project " automatic gate control using car horn as operator". am finding it a little bit difficult, please i am in need of the a complete project for reference and also o complete circuit to accomplish the project. Thanks.

Re: Automatic gate control using car horn as operator.

it may be difficult to get complete detail for the project.

repost this in 'hardware &pcb design' forum.
Reactions: Ayolee


    Points: 2
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I think he aims to couple the RF garage door controller to the car buzzer.
It is usefull to allow driver to keep hands close to steering wheel.

I had noticed some kind of that product here at local automotive market.
However, the original purpose is not to connect at car buzzer, but at car headlight.


At first, have you thought of how to re-build your gate mechanisms from the existing manually opened set up. Some kind of sliding mechanisms with a motor drive etc. It would be better to work on that first and you have a motorised gate with manual control. It wont be difficult to convert that system into a remote opening mechanism with car horn or anything else.


actually have gotten some basics but i still need more reference to boost it up, pls which site can u direct me to so mas to get this project so that i can use it as reference. pls help mi . thanks.

you are going in the wrong direction. The technology indeed is so advanced that people depend on the internet for evry other thing.

Comin to the topic, here think, do you really need the help of a site to start up. Its just about putting some stuffs together. What is that more info you need?? a specific question will be of great help.

have you done with these:- you need to control the gate. what do you need? you need some mechanisms which convert electrical energy to mechanical? What is it? A motor? if so how do you set that up. A gear? a belt? A chain? just work around those first. take some time to think. the project being electronics related, you should have studied about the basics. use those skills, and limit the dependency of a site.

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