[SOLVED] [moved] Anyone experienced with Mentor Precision for synthesis?

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Jan 16, 2008
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I want to implemen my design on Xilinx Spartan6 FPGA and so using Mentor Precision for synthesis. I want to generate an .edf file and later to P&R. My TCL script has parsed the design files, all the commands look good.

The log file which is generated after running the 'compile' command contains only 1 error message.
# Error: [40008] : HDL analysis failed.

I don't understand what this error means. Other than the line given above, there is no more info on this error. I don't understand what should I rectify to remove this error.

Please advice.

I think you should post the synthesis report not one line out of a top level log file. That error is probably a result of something that is reported in the actual synthesis report.

Re: [moved] Anyone experienced with Synplify for synthesis?

First of all, I am using Synplify tool and not Precision!

I am posting a part of the error report file. My current problem is Synplify is not able find the VHDL libraries that are defined in some top-level blocks. I think that due to this it shows many errors.

My TCL script in which I am using a Xilinx VHDL IP:
# Open a new Project
project -new

# Set the target technology, part number, package, and speed grade options.
 # some verilog files are added

# Xilinx VHDL IP 
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_pkg.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/dynamic_master.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/shift8.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/upcnt_n.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/debounce.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/filter.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/reg_interface.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/interrupt_control.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/axi_ipif_ssp1.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic.vhd
add_file -vhdl  $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/axi_iic.vhd

add_file -verilog	     	 $HW_TOP/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/axi_iic_bi_di.v

# This is my topmodule in Verilog
add_file -verilog  		 $HW_TOP/src/fpga/te0630_top.v

add_file -constraint te0630_top.sdc

impl -add te0630_top -type fpga

# Set top level module
set_option -top_module te0630_top

#set result format/file last
project -result_file "./te0630_top/te0630_top.edf"

project -save "te0630_top.prj"

# Synthesize the existing Project
project -run

Part of the report where errors and warnings are shown:
Synopsys VHDL Compiler, version comp201403rcp1, Build 010R, built Mar 24 2014
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
Copyright (C) 1994-2014 Synopsys, Inc. This software and the associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc. This software may only be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of a written license agreement with Synopsys, Inc.  All other use, reproduction, or distribution of this software is strictly prohibited.

@N: CD720 :"/home/shared/Synopsys/I-2014.03-1/lib/vhd/std.vhd":123:18:123:21|Setting time resolution to ns
@N:"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/axi_iic.vhd":146:7:146:13|Top entity is set to axi_iic.
@W: CD642 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/interrupt_control.vhd":167:43:167:43|Ignoring use clause - library proc_common_v3_00_a not found ...
@W: CD642 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/interrupt_control.vhd":168:36:168:36|Ignoring use clause - library proc_common_v3_00_a not found ...
@E: CD255 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/interrupt_control.vhd":182:53:182:54|No identifier "integer_array_type" in scope
@E: CD255 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/interrupt_control.vhd":304:31:304:31|No identifier "log2" in scope
2 errors parsing file /home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/interrupt_control.vhd
@W: CD642 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":95:31:95:31|Ignoring use clause - library axi_iic_v1_02_a not found ...
@W: CD642 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":96:27:96:27|Ignoring use clause - library axi_iic_v1_02_a not found ...
@W: CD642 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":97:26:97:26|Ignoring use clause - library axi_iic_v1_02_a not found ...
@E: CD591 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":509:6:509:12|Object axi_iic_v1_02_a is not a library
@E: CD415 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":900:34:900:34|Expecting keyword is
@E: CD632 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":1910:39:1910:39|duplicate entity name axi_iic_v1_02_a
@E: CD632 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":2012:41:2012:41|duplicate entity name axi_iic_v1_02_a
@E: CD632 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":2044:34:2044:34|duplicate entity name axi_iic_v1_02_a
@E: CD415 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd":2079:20:2079:20|Expecting keyword of
8 errors parsing file /home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/iic_control.vhd
@E: CD418 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/filter.vhd":98:28:98:28|use: can't find work.axi_iic_v1_02_a.debounce
@E: CD255 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/filter.vhd":121:31:121:31|No identifier "std_logic" in scope
@E: CD632 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/filter.vhd":129:17:129:17|duplicate entity name filter
@E: CD632 :"/home/dpaul/nanocore/rev28462_fpga/src/top_modules/axi_iic_v1_02_a/filter.vhd":129:17:129:17|Too many errors - aborting.
# Mon May 18 10:05:52 2015

@E::VHDL compiler failed
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Mon May 18 10:05:52 2015


The dir structure of the VHDL IP:
-rw-rw---- 1 dpaul dpaul   761 Mai  6 14:18 axi_iic_bi_di.v
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 13893 Apr 29 16:51 axi_iic.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 22057 Dez  5  2012 axi_ipif_ssp1.vhd
drwxrwx--- 2 dpaul dpaul  4096 Apr 20 13:24 axi_lite_ipif_v1_01_a
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul  9747 Dez  5  2012 debounce.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 16216 Dez  5  2012 dynamic_master.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul  9126 Dez  5  2012 filter.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 87884 Dez  5  2012 iic_control.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 10465 Dez  5  2012 iic_pkg.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 28723 Dez  5  2012 iic.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 57006 Dez  5  2012 interrupt_control.vhd
drwxrwx--- 2 dpaul dpaul  4096 Apr 20 13:24 proc_common_v3_00_a
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul 58291 Dez  5  2012 reg_interface.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul  7136 Dez  5  2012 shift8.vhd
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpaul dpaul  7033 Dez  5  2012 upcnt_n.vhd

The top-module and many other design files for this IP uses the libraries axi_lite_ipif_v1_01_a, proc_common_v3_00_a, may be others. One can clearly see in the above dir structure that 'axi_lite_ipif_v1_01_a' and 'proc_common_v3_00_a' are directories and they contain many .vhd files.

So my question how do I make my Synplify TCL script aware of these libraries?

Duration simulation, I never compiled the files under dir 'axi_lite_ipif_v1_01_a' and 'proc_common_v3_00_a' directories.

THe reference manual shows something like:
add_file -vhdl -lib {work, my_lib1, my_lib2} files.vhd

But the above command dosent't help. Do I need to compile these additional libraries into 'work'? If yes, how do I do this?
Last edited:

Re: [moved] Anyone experienced with Synplify for synthesis?

Figured out to some extent why the error was thrown. It was not a problem with the tool.

Basically I had to modify all the VHDL files so that they used 'work' library. Previously custom libraries were used.
A sample of the substitution used is as follows.

--library axi_iic_v1_02_a;
--use axi_iic_v1_02_a.iic_pkg.all;
--use axi_iic_v1_02_a.upcnt_n;
--use axi_iic_v1_02_a.shift8;
library work;
use work.iic_pkg.all;
use work.upcnt_n;
use work.shift8;

You can use custom libraries, but you need to compile the files into that library and then reference the mapped library in Synplify. I don't recall the exact details (haven't used Synplify for 8+ years). Editing all your code, and perhaps generated IP code, isn't the way to fix this issue.
Reactions: dpaul


    Points: 2
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Yes, I agree with you. But I couldn't easily find a way to do it with Synplify.
Hence this workaround which is not the best solution. But I will look again tomorrow, if I get the solution/TCL command, I'll post it.

I moved to best practice.
As mentioned by ads-ee : "You can use custom libraries, but you need to compile the files into that library and then reference the mapped library in Synplify."
I was not reading the command_reference.pdf carefully!

The cmd in Synplify is: add_file -vhdl -lib {mylib, my_lib1, my_lib2} files.vhd

One just needs to see the vhd source files, note what library is being used and then compile the sources into that library library name using the above command.

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