Hello friends.
We know that SNR can be found using FFT on transient analysis data from Cadence (using calculator or Spectrum in plot), as well as Matlab (after importing data into it).
I am doing this for a delta-sigma modulator, and have taken all precautions like f_in = (D/N)*f_s : D = prime integer and N = no of points of FFT...
Now comes the question (rather, confusion):
In some references (
ref 1,
ref 2 etc.), it is stated that:
"FFT acts as a narrowband spectrum analyzer with a bandwidth of fs/N that sweeps over the spectrum. This has the effect of pushing the noise down by an amount equal to the process gain..."
"...For correct frequency domain measurements it is also necessary to apply corrections for FFT processing gain...theoretical noise floor for N-point FFT is 10log(N/2) dB below the quantization noise due to processing gain of the FFT"
So my question, do we really need to subtract 10log(N/2) dB from the SNR computed using FFT? But, none of the Matlab codes found from internet does so while finding SNR! :-?
Is there anything that I am missing in this regard, which nullifies the need of subtracting 10log(N/2) ?
Any help/idea is highly anticipated...