mount linux partition on win98

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Member level 4
Jun 18, 2002
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i want to mount linux partition on win98 os for files sharing. can anyone suggest a software that i can use.

currently i'm using ext2fs from p/a/r/a/g/o/n which is a shareware version. the limit is that it can only mount partition that smaller than 1g and read only. i can say this is a very nice software but the function is limited in the shareware version.

thanks for advice.


did you want to share files on the same computer or in the network?

wisely77 said:

i want to mount linux partition on win98 os for files sharing. can anyone suggest a software that i can use.


Usually, people mount Win98 partition under Linux, but not the reverse..
and fina result is same, u gonna be able to move files...


this might help:

**broken link removed**


I have checked paragon's ext2fs anywhere that is a really good software.
I think that it is a best solution on windows platform.

srik provides alternative way that is free
but it can't support like ext2fs anywhere powerful feature.

I think Ext2fs Home Page be useful -

FSDEXT2 : Second extended file system for Windows 95 - **broken link removed** - Fsdext2 is a port of the second extended file system (ext2fs) to Windows 95; albeit a read-only version.
Using FSDEXT2 you can transparently mount your Linux ext2fs partitions on Windows 95.

[Ext2Fsd] -- Ext2 File System Driver (This project is an ext2 file system driver for winnt/win2k/winxp.) - - only for NT/2k/XP.

Careful with ex2plorer

That program is great for reading files from a linux partition but not so good at writing them. You can end up hosing your whole filesystem if you aren't careful. THere's a big warning about that in the readme.

IMHO writing ext2 (or ext3) partitions from not linux system is always bad idea. Writing NTFS from Linux is not good idea too All because of file permissions. So I think all these drivers are usable for reading and shouldn't be used for writing - better way is reboot and read from sevond system.

BTW: Total Commander (5.5 or newer) can read different file sytstems. I'm using ex2fs plugin v1.2. Works very good Linux drivers are availabke by Network Neighberhood.

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