In order to mount something on linux the mount command is used, however it seems their is no file system on your hard drive. So you have to create one first.
Hi flanello
Thanks for your suggestion. I already mounted my second hard drive to linux sysem. I have scientific linux install on primary drive and want to have windows os on second one. Do you know how to do it? Someone told me I can disconnect linux hard drive and install windows on second one and connect back after finish installation but I m not sure this method work or I will lose information in linux drive?
Thanks a lot
It could work. But the interesting part is how can you choose what system would be started?
The other way round works easily: Install windows and then linux. Linux will detect the windows and create a menu where you can select what will be started.
Ask this question in a linux forum, for example in the scientific linux forum.
There will be probably more experts with regarding this topic.