Motor rotation direction

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Jul 7, 2009
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motor rotation

How can I control a motor rotation direction with a pic?
I have LM324 it supose to help isn't it?


motor rotation direction


It depends on exactly what you are trying to do and what type of motor you are trying to control ? - dc brush motor, stepper, servo etc.

Each type of motor needs a different method of control from the pic - which one are you using ?

You can change direction of a dc brush motor just by changing the state of a double pole relay with the pic, or depending on your motor drive hardware by the software alone.

An LM324 is just a quad op amp that can be the basis of a pic-less dc motor controller when used with other parts - what makes you think it has something to do with direction changing ?

dc motor rotation direction

The motor is a dc motor and I use pic16f84a.

control motor rotation with pic


Sounds like you are just starting out on motor control so would suggest you do a simple search for one of the many web base tutorials, there is loads of good stuff out there - here's one,

Also look at the masses of free info in the Microchip Application notes.

pic dc motor direction change

no need to use any extra ic
if it is dc motor then just reverse the logical output of PIC

only ic u have to use is motor driver ic... say L293D

let me know if you need more info


relays for reverse dc motor rotation

what is the purpose of L293D and cost ? is there any alternative for this ic ?

how do i change direction of brushed motor

john.l said:
what is the purpose of L293D and cost ? is there any alternative for this ic ?

Purpose motor needs 12 volts power supply and output of microcontroller is 5 volts. This ic acts like converter(actually its not convertor but for simplicity u can consider.)

cost in pune,india it will cost near Rs.100/-

alternative u can use transistor circuit. but it will be large size and complex as compare to 293, so i will suggest 239

Let me know if you need any more help

rotation direction dc motor

thanks for providing this information

actually I am not very well familiar with ICs, I can do well in analog circuits.

can you help me in the interfacing of 239 ??

what makes a motor rotate


Connection is very simple
Download the datasheet of L239D
1. connect 4 input pins to microcontroller
2. connect 4 output pins to motor
3. give +5v and +12v power supply to IC
4. connect ground

thats all

Let me know if you need any more help

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