motor control using 89v51

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joseph raj

Junior Member level 2
Mar 16, 2009
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by missed call motor switch on

Hi guys,
i want to design a system for my motor control,such that when i give missed call from my mobile to the mobile at receiver end it blinks with the light .THis light is detected by LDR which gives appropriate signal which is fed to microcontroller and it generates signal to stop the motor.
I need help in designing the system .

mmmm... why don't you connect something directly to the light control pin, and get the LDR and amplifier rid off?

No need to think so complicated - light and all..

Just use an inducotr and put the cell nearby.

Everytime you call, the inductr will be energized and can be used ot trigger any pin/device/etc

your project is very easy. i think it doesn't require any micro controllers. u just need an ldr, rs latch ic, a power transistor , a relay and the n.c and n.o switches to complete. if u want the circuit i will help u.

I do agree with "ramjax". The application is very simple where no micro's are required. The circuit can be done as......LDR>Transistor>CD4013(latch)>relay driver> Relay which will then drive the motor. One ring will switch on the motor whereas another ring will switch off the motor. Good luck

thanx rajmax for your suggestion.
I will try out myself with this information
i will ask if any doubts.
Thanq once again.

hi joseph,
have you tried what did rajmax told. is that set up working?kindly help me with reply as i am also in need of such application.


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