i have interfaced remote control to microcontroller. everything is working fine the protocol is decoded correctly and code for each key is displayed properly on the leds.
now i have connected 3 relays the o/p of relay are:
1st relay has:bulb
2nd & 3rd relay have 12v dc motor as shown here:
**broken link removed**
and the relay board is as shown:
now i have written a program that is:
when key 1 is pressed bulb should on.
when key 2 pressed a motor should on
& similarly to the third one.
ok i wrote the code & pressed key 1 bulb switched on.
then i pressed key 2 the relay started flickering(i.e it switched on & off continuously & was not stable)
same happened to the 3rd one also.(wherever motor was connected)
Then i interchanged the position of a motor with the bulb connected to relays then too same effect.
but after i removed motors from the relays,the relays switched on properly without any disturbances.
As there were no diodes across the motors i placed diodes across them the flicker continued but, it was much reduced than before.
now how do i solve this problem of flicker? :???: i want continuous stable o/p for motors(they should be either on or off continuously)