Motion Detected Rattlesnake

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Newbie level 3
Dec 17, 2007
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Hi, I'm looking for some help on building a motion detector circuit. I do taxidermy on the side and want to put a vibrating motor from a cell phone in the tail of a rattlesnake. I have the 1.5v motor and could use some info on how to add a motion sensor so when someone walks by the motor engages and then turns off after 15-30 secs. Any help and part #'s are greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dave

Easy, go up to walmart and use one of thoes $10 motion lights. just remove the sensor head, and conect your battery and motor to the relay.

Thanks, How would I go about selecting a relay?

djmurm said:
Thanks, How would I go about selecting a relay?

If I understood Steveo correctly, the motion detector from Walmart would already have a relay inside. You'll just need to connect to this existing relay. Make sure that the motion detector has a mechanical relay (the clicking type) or a solid-state DC relay. AC solid-state relay will not switch a DC from a battery.

The motion detecting sensor, probably uses the passive infrared (PIR) principle. You can get a PIR sensor separately (here's an example **broken link removed**), and add a little bit of circuitry that will do a 15-30sec delay before turning the motor off.


P.S. The whole idea with a rattling rattlesnake taxidermy is pretty neat.

Thanks nick, I'm goin try the walmart sensor and see if the relay gives me the output I desire. I've read about the PIR sensor but it seems alittle tricky with the logic circuits that went with it. I took 4 years of electronic education but ten years later I cant seem to remember a damn thing. Thanks again, Dave

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