most efficient system

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Usama Siddiqui

Member level 5
Jan 1, 2012
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can a mechanical structure be made in such a way that if it gets triggered once then it can run for quite a long time...? flywheel is not what i want ... help required

This could be in the same category as overunity or perpetual motion.

A lot of people have attempted to make such a device. Some could run for a long time... although external power would be needed sooner or later to keep it running.

Some have put videos on Youtube.
A perpetual motion machine, will have to day away with friction / heat means an absolute perfect application of first law of motion.

Though this question pertains less to micro-controllers and more to mechanics, but every mechanical motion produces friction/heat (roll a ball on a road, why it sops eventually) answer friction, why an electric motor stops once electricity is cut off answer two reason friction / Heat.

If somehow we could develop a technique which could overcome these a perpetual motion machine could be a reality, otherwise a mechanical device could continue its motion for comparatively longer time provided highest quality material (ball bearings/etc are used) and eventually it will have to stop.
thanku for the concern,actually u are into the very issue i m facing,i wanna design the same thing dat u said and dats the most efficient system dat cud run on a very small or no power , perpetual motion,the conversion from mechanical to electronics or even amplifivation is not my prime concern ,if any how i cud get any such method to deal wid that wud b veryyyy much appreciated. thnx

yuppp u r definitely right about that bt my query has to deal with a trigerring circuitry of some type i.e once trigerred could gain energy from it to keep in that state.

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