"Saturation Mode" for a Mosfet is very confusing because it is the opposite to a bipolar transistor.
When a Mosfet is saturated it is turned on a little so it is linear. It should be called Amplifier.
When a Mosfet is turned on hard as a switch it is called "Linear Mode". It should be called Turned On Hard.
That isn't correct. Saturation mode (also known as "active") in a MOSFET is used when it is an amplifier. Ohmic (also known as "linear" or "triode") is normally used when it is a switch.
yeah i am mistaken A mosfet saturations occurs for all its Vg (gate voltage) values But in a BJT it occurs as Ib is more than a certain value (max IC), so that is the difference in the measures thats why a mosfet is operated in a saturation mode in an amplifier...