I am making an H bridge for a supply voltage range of 12V to 24V and a max current of 4A. The motor speed will be controlled by a pwm signal (>10kHz) provided by a PIC microcontroller.
I noticed that for driving the gate people use gate drivers (because the gate has some capacitance and it needing more than 5V to fully switch on).
I searched on the internet and came across “boot strap” circuits and so on but did not understand how they operated. Can I use something like a comparator to do this or can someone please provide me with a suitable gate driving circuit.
If you are making a h bridge circuit, I think you should go for a Hi side and Lo side driver circuit. You can use IR2110, IR2010 for the purpose and they are easily available. Just go for its datasheet on the net. But the max current is 3A.