mosfet datasheet information sheet

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It is the maximum gate to source thresold voltage. That means it will start to turn ON (start drain to source conduction) atleast before1.8 V and it can operate up to maximum of maximum Vgs.

It is the maximum gate to source thresold voltage. That means it will start to turn ON (start drain to source conduction) atleast before1.8 V and it can operate up to maximum of maximum Vgs.

oh.. so does that mean when Vgs(th) > 1.8v, the transistor is in saturation?

No that doesnt mean its in saturation. it means it will allow current from drain to source
if Vgs > Vt
Id is propotional to (Vgs - Vt)²
The saturation or linear region is depend on Vds and the circuit parameters like Rd or Rs


"Linear" and "Saturation" words are the opposite for bipolar transistors and Mosfets. A Mosfet is Linear when it is a turned on switch.
For a Mosfet as a switch you should look at its maximum on-resistance which is listed as 1.25 ohms when the Vgs is 1.8V and the temperature of it is 25 degrees C for this tiny little Mosfet.

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