#Bulk: n-Si (1.5x1017 #/cm3)
go athena
# Set up a mesh suitable for a single MOSFET device....
line x loc=0.0 spac=0.001
line x loc=0.2 spac=0.005
line x loc=0.225 spac=0.01
line y loc=0.0 spac=0.001
line y loc=0.01 spac=0.001
line y loc=0.1 spac=0.05
line y loc=0.35 spac=0.1
# Start off by defining silicon with 1.5e17 phos doping...
# Decrease the folowing space.mult parameter for a denser
# mesh and more accuracy...
init orientation=100 c.phos=1.5e17 space.mult=1
#epitaxy time=10 temp=800 thickness=0.3 divisions=15 dy=0.10 ydy=0.00 c.phos=1.50e17
#pwell formation including masking off of the nwell
diffus time=30 temp=1000 dryo2 press=1.00 hcl=3
etch oxide thick=0.039
#N-well Implant
implant amorphous phos dose=8e11 energy=100 pears
diffus temp=950 time=10 weto2 hcl=3
#N-well implant amorphous not shown -
# welldrive
diffus time=20 temp=1200 nitro press=1
etch oxide all
#sacrificial "cleaning" oxide
diffus time=20 temp=1000 dryo2 press=1 hcl=3
etch oxide all
#gate oxide grown here:-
depo oxide thick=0.001
depo material=HfO2 thick=0.004 div=3
# Extract a design parameter.....
extract name="gateox" thickness oxide mat.occno=1 x.val=0.005
depo material=Hf+Al thick=0.04
deposit photores thickness=0.01 div=3
etch photores p1.x=0.214 left
etch material=Hf+Al p1.x=0.214 left
etch material=HfO2 left p1.x=0.214
etch oxide p1.x=0.214 left
implant boron dose=1e18 energy=2
etch photores all
diffuse time=0.01 temp=1000
depo oxide thick=0.001
deposit material=Si+Al thickness=0.045 div=8
etch material=Si+Al thickness=0.045 right p1.x=0.150
etch material=Si+Al thickness=0.045 left p1.x=0.050
# Extract design parameters
# extract final S/D Xj
extract name="nxj" xj silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.1 junc.occno=1
# extract the N++ regions sheet resistance
extract name="n++ sheet rho" sheet.res material="Silicon" mat.occno=1 x.val=0.05 region.occno=1
# extract the sheet rho under the spacer, of the LDD region
extract name="ldd sheet rho" sheet.res material="Silicon" \
mat.occno=1 x.val=0.3 region.occno=1
# extract the surface conc under the channel.
extract name="chan surf conc" surf.conc impurity="Net Doping" \
material="Silicon" mat.occno=1 x.val=0.45
# extract a curve of conductance versus bias.
#extract start material="Polysilicon" mat.occno=1 \
# bias=0.0 bias.step=0.2 bias.stop=2 x.val=0.45
extract done name="sheet cond v bias" \
curve(bias,1dn.conduct material="Silicon" mat.occno=1 region.occno=1)\
# extract the long chan Vt
extract name="n1dvt" 1dvt ntype vb=0.0 qss=1e10 x.val=0.49
# mirror the structure.....
structure mirror right
# Name the electrodes...
# output the structure
structure outfile=devicepnp0.str
# plot it
tonyplot devicepnp0.str -set device.set
############# PVt Test : Returns PVt, PBeta and PTheta ################
go atlas
# set material models
models cvt srh print
contact name=gate highk.al on.HfO2
interface qf=3e10
# get initial solution
solve init
method newton trap
solve prev
# Bias the drain a bit...
solve vdrain=-0.1 name=drain
# Ramp the gate
log outf=devicepnp1.log master
#solve vgate=0 vstep=-0.25 vfinal=-3.0 vdrain=-3.3 name=gate
SOLVE VGATE=0.0 NAME=GATE vstep=-0.25 vfinal=-3.0 vdrain=-3.3 QSCV
save outf=devicepnp1.str
# extract device parameters......
extract init inf="mos1ex08_1.log"
extract name="pvt" (xintercept(maxslope(curve(abs(v."gate"),abs(i."drain")))) - abs(ave(v."drain"))/2.0)
extract init inf="mos1ex08_1.log"
extract name="pbeta" ((slope(maxslope(curve(abs(v."gate"),abs(i."drain")))) * (1.0/abs(ave(v."drain")))))
extract init inf="mos1ex08_1.log"
extract name="ptheta" ((max(abs(v."drain")) * $"pbeta")/max(abs(i."drain"))) - (1.0 / (max(abs(v."gate")) - ($"pvt")))
# plot results
tonyplot devicepnp1.log -set c-v.set