library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-- Morse Detector Entity
entity detection_e is
clk_i : in std_logic; -- clock
reset_i : in std_logic; -- reset
morse_i : in std_logic; -- Morse input
char_o : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- shift reg to store the data
high_count_o : out integer;
low_count_o : out integer;
sreg_o : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end detection_e;
-- Morse Detector Architecture
architecture detection_a of detection_e is
type state_type_t is (rst_st, wait_st, ccheck_st, scheck_st);
signal state_s, nextstate_s : state_type_t;
signal sreg_s, sreg_nxt_s : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal high_count_s, high_count_nxt_s : integer range 0 to 100000; -- time period count - Morse input is high
signal low_count_s, low_count_nxt_s : integer range 0 to 100000; -- time period count - Morse input is low
signal dd_space_s, dd_space_nxt_s : integer range 0 to 65500; -- one time period low count
-- clock the states
process(clk_i, reset_i)
if (reset_i = '1') then
state_s <= rst_st;
elsif (clk_i'event and clk_i = '1') then
state_s <= nextstate_s;
sreg_s <= sreg_nxt_s;
high_count_s <= high_count_nxt_s;
low_count_s <= low_count_nxt_s;
dd_space_s <= dd_space_nxt_s;
end if;
end process;
--FSM to detect dots and dash
process (clk_i, state_s, morse_i, high_count_s, low_count_s, sreg_s, dd_space_s)
nextstate_s <= state_s;
sreg_nxt_s <= sreg_s;
high_count_nxt_s <= high_count_s;
low_count_nxt_s <= low_count_s;
dd_space_nxt_s <= dd_space_s;
case state_s is
-- reset state
when rst_st => sreg_nxt_s <= "00000001";
high_count_nxt_s <= 0;
low_count_nxt_s <=0;
char_o <= "00000001";
nextstate_s <= wait_st;
when wait_st => if (morse_i = '1') then
high_count_nxt_s <= high_count_s+ 1;
nextstate_s <= ccheck_st;
elsif (morse_i = '0') then
low_count_nxt_s <= low_count_s + 1;
nextstate_s <= scheck_st;
end if;
when ccheck_st=>
-- condition to check for dot
if (high_count_s /=0 and high_count_s = low_count_s) then
high_count_nxt_s <= 0;
low_count_nxt_s <=0;
dd_space_nxt_s <= low_count_s;
sreg_nxt_s <= sreg_s(6 downto 0) & '0';
nextstate_s <= wait_st;
-- condition to check for dash
elsif (high_count_s /=0 and high_count_s = 3*low_count_s) then
high_count_nxt_s <= 0;
low_count_nxt_s <=0;
dd_space_nxt_s <= low_count_s;
sreg_nxt_s <= sreg_s(6 downto 0) & '1';
nextstate_s <= wait_st;
elsif (morse_i = '1') then
high_count_nxt_s <= high_count_s+ 1;
elsif (morse_i = '0') then
low_count_nxt_s <= low_count_s + 1;
end if;
when scheck_st =>-- condition to check for character space
if (low_count_s /=0 and low_count_s = 3*dd_space_s) then
high_count_nxt_s <= 0;
low_count_nxt_s <=0;
dd_space_nxt_s <= low_count_s;
char_o <= sreg_s;
sreg_nxt_s <= x"01";
nextstate_s <= wait_st;
elsif (morse_i = '0') then
low_count_nxt_s <= low_count_s + 1;
elsif (morse_i = '1') then
low_count_nxt_s <= 0;
high_count_nxt_s <= high_count_s + 1;
nextstate_s <= ccheck_st;
end if;
when others => nextstate_s <= rst_st;
end case;
end process;
-- output
high_count_o <= high_count_nxt_s;
low_count_o <= low_count_nxt_s;
sreg_o <= sreg_s;
end detection_a;