You can do poor-boy process stats by looking at the foundry
wafer acceptance test (WAT) limits, call center-min and
center-max "three sigma" (although you do not know a priori
whether the distribution is Gaussian or truncated mystery
shape). This might get you at least u0, tox, VT but you may
or may not be getting Leff / deltaL (critical at min L), deltaW,
variation in overlap capacitances (spacer and implant variation)
and so on. And only a more comprehensive production yield
/ yield enhancement report would likely give you any insights
to cross-correlation (e.g. VTN/VTP have common and individual
influences; tox ought to be common; deltaL has common
spacer but separate implant influences, etc.).
Obtaining the deeper data would probably require a good working
relationship and legalities. Or, access to the already-done PDK
to translate to your preferred tools set, whatever that is. The
WAT limits, you ought to be provided before you sign up for
a wafer lot (but how far from that, if ever, are you?).
Simple is how we used to roll, before we had whole departments
for technology development and PDK / CAD fit-up. You can get
it done. But you can't convince any minor middle manager that
this is a can't-fail proposition, and they'll take a knee and go
with the more expensive effort as long as it's anybody else's