monte carlo simulation to demonstrate the performance of Coordinated beamforming.

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Mar 15, 2013
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Hi, I am doing project on "coordinated beamforming based on SVD for multi user MIMO systems with limited feedforward". In the paper, under simulation results they mentioned monte carlo simulation results are used to demonstrate the performance of CBF. The first Subsection demonstrates it's performance in terms of average BER. How to show this? How to get graph for this? I tried BER tool and monte carlo in that but my code is not getting executed. How can i get BER graph for my paper? please help me out.

Can you be more specific? If it were me in your situation, I would probably try to do most of those calculations manually in MATLAB; it is typically not that difficult to do BER calculations manually, especially if you are having trouble with the built-in tools.

This is the matter from my paper.How do i get BER from Monte carlo simulation?

You need to:

1. generate random bits and store them
2. modulate them (QPSK)
3. do whatever transmit MIMO processing you have
4. send them across a channel
5. demodulate them (QPSK demod)
6. compare your demodulated bits to transmit bits; BER from monte carlo is given by sum(xor(transmitBits,receiveBits))/length(transmitBits)

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