[SOLVED] Modulo addition problem

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Advanced Member level 5
Apr 19, 2010
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I suspect that I am just not seeing the forest for the trees right now, but ... argh.

The problem is as follows:

I have 4 registers, all 8-bit (unsigned).

I could write down the whole lot, but essentially it boils down to this:

Sought after result:

R = ((M1 + C1) modulo N) + ((M2 + C2) modulo N)

where N = 2^8 = 256

So essentially what it does is take 2 unsigned 8 bit operands M1, C1, add it, and truncate to 8-bit unsigned result. Do the same for M2,C2. Add these 2 subresults together to form a 9-bit unsigned result.

Okay, so far so good... But this thing is part of a pipeline, and there is no good way to calculate these M1+C1 and M2+C2 sums.

However what can be done is calculate:


Or any other variety based on M1,M2 and C1,C2. Basically what I mean is I have M1,M2 available at one point in the pipeline and C1,C2 available in another, but never together. And no, I cannot just synchronize the pipeline so they are all available at the same time. Assume for the moment that M1+C1 etc just cannot be done for whatever reason. Part of the reason is that the C1+C2 result is also being reused for other things...

Now how do I construct the wanted result from these T1 and T2 sums? I am sure I am missing something simple, but I don't see it.

So again, M1, M2, C1 and C2 are all 8 bit unsigned, and the result R is a 9-bit unsigned. Beware the modulo.

Any ideas?

Well, still don't see an easy solution. If I were to keep the modulo constraint, then as far as I can tell I would always have to keep track of the carry from the M1+C1 etc results. Which is not an option...

So unless it turns out I am overlooking something simple (entirely possible), I think I'll just have to reformulate the problem to get rid of the modulo's in there...

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

Right. Redefined problem. problem solved.

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