Modular robot PCB (is it a good idea?)

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Junior Member level 3
Feb 13, 2013
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I'm about to graduate this 3 year electronics school in my second year, and I need somewhere to go on from here. I'm making a robot for my graduating project or whatever it's called (seriously, what's it called xD)
So anyway. In my dealings with MCU, I have come across Arduino, but I never liked the idea myself, as making the PCB is the best part (in my opinion). Not everyone has that possibility though, for now, I have the schools resources at hand, but after I graduate, I'll need another way to make PCBs.

So I thought; I love robots, I love making PCB designs and Arduino is successful ( or atleast seems to be ). So why not make programmable PCBs with the focus of making a robot/robots. I'm even thinking about making a lot of smaller modules that can communicate with each other. I would also provide sample code and examples. All that's up to the costumer is imagine what kind of a robot you want and then build the body and write the code. The coding part might be a bit difficult for some, but for a PCB that I design myself I can make a template and instructions.

So, is this a good idea in your oppinion?

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