Modifying Altera Cyclone II DE2 TV demonstration program/VGA problems
Hey guys,
I'm using the DE2_TV.v demonstration provided with the system as a basis for a project.
From what I understand it takes the BT656 NTSC signal from input video device (720x486 resolution I believe)
It then converts to RGB and sends through VGA at 640x480 by downsizing the horizontal resolution (skipping every 9th or 10th pixel).
I'm trying to stop the downsizing, i.e. output 720x480 or so through VGA. I've been playing around with the timings of front porch, sync, back porch etc trying to get it to work but it always messes up.
Is it possible to achieve an arbitrary output resolution through VGA by adjusting the timing parameters accordingly?
There are well documented timing parameters for standard modes of 640x480 or 800x600 etc but I don't know how to work it out for other resolutions.
SDRAM parameters of WR1_MAX_ADDR, RD2_LENGTH etc would also have to be changed.
Any help would be much appreciated!!