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Hi! I have an irritating problem here. For my assignment, I tried simulating a fully dedicated architecture (FDA) code (from Quartus prime Lite Edition) in ModelSim SE-64 2020.4. I am not able to see the waveform on the wave window.
Here is my Datapath unit (DU) code.
Here is my Controller unit (CU) code.
Here is the verilog code for datapath unit (DU) and control unit (CU).
and here is the testbatch code for the code above.
As you can see in the screenshot, the signals have been added to the wave window and the run icon clicked. Yet the waveforms show no data. Help is needed TQ!
Here is my Datapath unit (DU) code.
module DU_6_3(clk, rst, ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4,SelR1, SelR2, SelR3, SelR4, SelM1, SelM2, SelA, a, b, c, d, e, R1, R2, R3, R4);
input clk, rst, ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4, SelR3, SelR4, SelM1, SelM2, SelA;
input [1:0]SelR1, SelR2;
input [7:0]a, b, c, d, e;
output reg [7:0]R1, R2, R3, R4;
reg [7:0]Mul, Add1, Add2, Add3;
always@(posedge clk, posedge rst)
if(rst) R1 <= 0;
else if(ld1)
2'b00: R1 <= a;
2'b01: R1 <= Mul;
2'b10: R1 <= Add1;
2'b11: R1 <= 8'bxxxxxxxx;
always@(posedge clk, posedge rst)
if(rst) R2 <= 0;
else if(ld2)
2'b00: R2 <= b;
2'b01: R2 <= Add2;
2'b10: R2 <= Mul;
2'b11: R2 <= 8'bxxxxxxxx;
always@(posedge clk, posedge rst)
if(rst) R3 <= 0;
else if(ld3)
if(!SelR3) R3 <= c;
else R3 <= e;
always@(posedge clk, posedge rst)
if(rst) R4 <= 0;
else if(ld4)
if(!SelR4) R4 <= d;
else R4 <= Add3;
always@(SelM1, SelM2, R1, R2, R3, R4)
case({SelM1, SelM2})
2'b00: Mul = R1 * R4;
2'b01: Mul = R2 * R4;
2'b10: Mul = R1 * R3;
2'b11: Mul = R2 * R2;
always@(R1, R2, R3, SelA)
Add1 <= R1 + R2;
Add1 <= R1 + R3;
always@(R1, R3)
Add2 <= R1 + R3;
always@(R3, R4)
Add3 <= R3 + R4;
Here is my Controller unit (CU) code.
module CU_6_3(clk, rst, start, ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4, SelR1, SelR2, SelR3, SelR4, SelM1, SelM2, SelA, xdone, ydone, state);
input clk, rst, start;
output ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4, SelR3, SelR4, SelM1, SelM2, SelA;
output reg xdone, ydone;
output [1:0] SelR1, SelR2;
output reg [1:0]state;
reg [1:0]next_state;
reg [12:0] CV;
parameter [2:0]S0=0, S1=1, S2=2, S3=3, S4=4;
//state register
always@(negedge clk, posedge rst)
if(rst) state <= S0;
else state <= next_state;
//next state and CV logics
always@(start or state)
S0: begin CV = 13'h0000; xdone = 0; ydone = 0; if(start) next_state=S1; else next_state=S0;end
S1: begin CV = 13'h1E18; xdone = 0; ydone = 0;next_state = S2;end
S2: begin CV = 13'h1B21; xdone = 1; ydone = 0;next_state = S3;end
S3: begin CV = 13'h1D44; xdone = 0; ydone = 1;next_state = S4;end
S4: begin CV = 13'h1082; xdone = 0; ydone = 1;next_state = S0;end
default:begin CV = 13'hxxxx; xdone = 0; ydone = 0;next_state = S0;end
// CV
assign ld1 = CV[12];
assign ld2 = CV[11];
assign ld3 = CV[10];
assign ld4 = CV[9];
assign SelR1[1] = CV[8];
assign SelR1[0] = CV[7];
assign SelR2[1] = CV[6];
assign SelR2[0] = CV[5];
assign SelR3 = CV[4];
assign SelR4 = CV[3];
assign SelM1 = CV[2];
assign SelM2 = CV[1];
assign SelA = CV[0];
Here is the verilog code for datapath unit (DU) and control unit (CU).
module DUCU_6_3(clk, rst, a, b, c, d, e, R1, R2, R3, R4, start, state, xdone, ydone);
input clk, rst, start;
input [7:0]a, b, c, d, e;
output xdone, ydone;
output [7:0]R1, R2, R3, R4;
output [2:0]state;
wire ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4, SelR3, SelR4, SelM1, SelM2, SelA;
wire [1:0] SelR1, SelR2;
DU_6_3 Datapath(clk, rst, ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4, SelR1, SelR2, SelR3, SelR4, SelM1, SelM2, SelA, a, b, c, d, e, R1, R2, R3, R4);
CU_6_3 Controller(clk, rst, start, ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4, SelR1, SelR2, SelR3, SelR4, SelM1, SelM2, SelA,xdone, ydone, state);
and here is the testbatch code for the code above.
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module DUCU_6_3_TB();
reg clk, rst, start;
reg [7:0]a, b, c, d, e;
wire xdone, ydone;
wire [7:0]R1, R2, R3, R4;
wire [2:0]state;
DUCU_6_3 DUT(clk, rst, start, a, b, c, d, e, R1, R2, R3, R4, state, xdone, ydone);
initial begin
forever #10 clk=~clk;
initial begin
#0 rst=1; a=1; b=2; c=3; d=4; e=5; start=0;
#30 rst=0;
#20 start=1;
#20 start=0;
#100 a=2; b=4; c=6; d=8; e=6;
#20 start=1;
#20 start=0;
#100 $stop;
As you can see in the screenshot, the signals have been added to the wave window and the run icon clicked. Yet the waveforms show no data. Help is needed TQ!
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