models SOI MOSFET process

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Newbie level 4
Sep 7, 2010
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I want to make an audio class-D power project for a thesis using a SOI MOSFET process. The problem is that i cannot find free SOI MOSFET models that I can use for design. Can anyone help me with this?

Best Regrads.

Thank you very much, but there not BSIM BSIM parameters not available.


If it is a PDSOI process then pick a JI of similar voltage
range, dummy out the well-substrate params and replace
with a plain capacitance of sensible area and t=~1um.
Because these deeper body flows look like regular MOS
pretty much, only the well is freed up.

FDSOI, it gets messy. BSIM won't cut it, BSIMSOI is a
bit buggy, and anybody in this space is sensitive to
competition so unlikely to share anything with a non-
customer (vetted, too).

But if you were good at model fitting, again you could
take a roughly right geometry / voltage-node model
from some other foundry, shrink the S, D - body diodes
to one edge of sidewall, throw away the well-substrate
stuff and tweak until you see advertised fmax and any
other DC curves you can lay your hands on. Of course
you'll get no help at all on the back interface which is
the "secret sauce" and/or trouble a lot of the time.

I'd say if the problem is that you're not for real, so no
foundry will provide you models, then faking it will be
good enough.

Thank you very much for your reply, in fact, what I am trying to do is a project of the thesis, it is necessary that the well-defined models, because the model has an effect on the results of course, and finally I want that comparing my work with the work already done.

Thank you again.

Thank you very much

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