Read Coil Status (FC=01)
This command is requesting the ON/OFF status of discrete coils # 20 to 56
from the slave device with address 17.
11 01 0013 0025 0E84
11: The Slave Address (17 = 11 hex)
01: The Function Code (read Coil Status)
0013: The Data Address of the first coil to read. (Coil 20 - 1 = 19 = 13 hex)
0025: The total number of coils requested. (coils 20 to 56 = 37 = 25 hex)
0E84: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.
11 01 05 CD6BB20E1B 45E6
11: The Slave Address (17 = 11 hex)
01: The Function Code (read Coil Status)
05: The number of data bytes to follow (37 Coils / 8 bits per byte = 5 bytes)
CD: Coils 27 - 20 (1100 1101)
6B: Coils 35 - 28 (0110 1011)
B2: Coils 43 - 36 (1011 0010)
0E: Coils 51 - 44 (0000 1110)
1B: 3 space holders & Coils 56 - 52 (0001 1011)
45E6: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).
Read Holding Registers (FC=03)
This command is requesting the content of analog output holding registers # 40108 to
40110 from the slave device with address 17.
11 03 006B 0003 7687
11: The Slave Address (17 = 11 hex)
03: The Function Code (read Analog Output Holding Registers)
006B: The Data Address of the first register requested. (40108-40001 = 107 = 6B hex)
0003: The total number of registers requested. (read 3 registers 40108 to 40110)
7687: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.
11 03 06 AE41 5652 4340 49AD
11: The Slave Address (17 = 11 hex)
03: The Function Code (read Analog Output Holding Registers)
06: The number of data bytes to follow (3 registers x 2 bytes each = 6 bytes)
AE41: The contents of register 40108
5652: The contents of register 40109
4340: The contents of register 40110
49AD: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).
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slave just keeps some 1 and 0 in a variable, in a register, in a coil whatever. 8 coils one byte at adress 100 (unsigned char) 8 coils one byte at adress 101 (unsigned char) or just for 16 coils (a register) 2 bytes at adress 102 (lsb) and at 103 (msb)
im a slave . if i get a (Read Coil Status (FC=01) or Read Holding Registers (FC=03) for me its just a read request , as long as i know the address and how many bytes i have to send , why master cares how im storing the data as a slave. in a register (16 bits) or 16 bits saparete in two bytes (unsigned char)
tell the slave just read or write , from which addres it should start, howmany bytes it should read.
with function1 : read coil, start from a addres 16 coils to read( 2 bytes) (we are sending)
with function 3 :read register start from a adress read 1 register(2 bytes)
both function starts from a addres... reads 2 bytes. for those above two operation
just say read start from this addres, read two bytes. (never care of that two bytes if that consists of 16 saperate bit , or 2 unsgined char or one 16 bit register.
im asking this. i dont know if my english was enought to tell .