mobile phone-Cabinet Radiation

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Apr 4, 2004
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51.010-1 12.2.1

Mobile phone has to pass FTA.
One of test item is called "radiation emission"
in GSM 12.2 .

I saw ETSI GSM 12.2.1,which is called "cabinet radiation"
By my previous experience,we always test "radiation emission"
by air link the BS for testing.

Does "cabinet radiation" mean we don't need to camp on BS
via air link and use RF calbe instead. And then use receiving antenna
to measeure its spurious emission without through antenna?

Is that one of the way to process this test ?
Thank you very much.

cabinet radiation

For cabinet radiation I used either an ETS-Lindgren (**broken link removed**) shielded chamber, or a 3m anechoic antenna room. Have to be careful how correlate the results.
The mobile was in loop-back with CMU200, or idle mode, or stand-by, depend by measurement.


radiated spurious emissions 12.2.1

I don't understant the definition of "cabinet radiation".
Could you please tell me more?
Thank you very much.

Radiated spurious emissions, when the MS has been allocated a channel, are any emissions radiated by the cabinet and structure of the mobile station, including all interconnecting cables.
This is also known as "cabinet radiation".
The requirements apply to all types of GSM850/900/1800/1900 MS. The test applies to all types of MS with the exception of the test at extreme voltages for an MS where a practical connection, to an external power supply, is not possible.
A "practical connection" shall be interpreted to mean it is possible to connect extreme voltages to the MS without interfering with the configuration of the MS in a way which could invalidate the test.
Refer to 3GPP TS 51.010-1 version 5.4.0 Release 5 (former GSM 11.10) - 12.2.1 MS in allocated a channel


I'm sorry. I still didn't get it.

The cabinet radiation is connecting BS by air link or RF cable?
Thanks for your advice.

The mobile is connected to a computer interface using a cable (serial, USB, cradle, etc), and is connected to an RF Test Set or BS, using a radiated link.

Excuse me,
What is the purpose to connect MS to PC interface?
To adjust what?
Thanks for your advice.

All the mobiles can use an interface (to update the software, to download/upload applications, hands-free, charger, etc.)
The test is looking not only to see the emissions of the mobile by self, but also to see radiations when the mobile is connected to an interface. Sometimes is possible to have huge radiation through different ports (serial interface, hands-free port, etc). At this point the requirements off FCC are more stringent than ETSI.

"The requirements apply to all types of GSM850/900/1800/1900 MS. The test applies to all types of MS with the exception of the test at extreme voltages for an MS where a practical connection, to an external power supply, is not possible. "

Sorry for one stupid question.
I didn't understand what above sentence menas.
Could you please tell me what it said? "Not possible" for what ???

If the test setup do not allow you to connect an external power supply to your mobile, (to replace the internal battery), you don’t have to run extreme voltage test. This is the reason that sometimes the spec says:
“In cases where no practical connection can be made to the power supply, the MS's intended battery source shall be used.”

Thanks for your help.
But one of the test purpose is tested under extreme voltage.
If it can not be tested via practical connection and then use real
battery instead, how to test extreme voltage condition ?
Thanks for your kindly help.

I do not know why they want to test cabinet radiation by MS.

In my experience, we need to test "cabinet radiation" for people security. You know that the big signal radio radiation wil harm people's health.

In mobilephone system, you know that there are connections for signal comes from cabinet to antenna and they can make signal radiated around and can ham work live. If you test this and make sure that the radiated is in acceptable level, the people can work on site.

Added after 55 seconds:

I do not know why they want to test cabinet radiation by MS.

In my experience, we need to test "cabinet radiation" for people security. You know that the big signal radio radiation wil harm people's health.

In mobilephone system, you know that there are connections for signal comes from cabinet to antenna and they can make signal radiated around and can ham worker health. If you test this and make sure that the radiated is in acceptable level, the people can work on site.

That is why they required to test this for security of work

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