Mobile phone and microcontroller interfacing?

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Jun 24, 2009
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We are doing project on controlling the remote device using GSM SMS system. We are not going to use GSM modem or anything like this, we have to use ordinary mobile phones, and there is no computer involved in between. Is there any way to interface a microcontroller and ordinary mobile phone ?

I have seen many phones having usb output and also found PIC18F4550 have USB input, can I directly interface them ?

No...both PIC18F4550 and USB phone act as USB slave only. you cannot directly connect USB phone to the 4550`s must use a microcontroller or peripheral IC that have a USB host (USB on-the-go) like PIC32 series that have USB Host or MAXIM peripheral like MAX3355E...

good luck...


Try to find a phone that has a serial (RS232) interface. In this case you can interface the microcontroller directly to your phone.
For instance: Nokia 6610, Nokia 6610i and, Nokia 6210
All of these phones have RS232 interface and support Text mode messaging.
For myself, I used the Nokia 6610i and it worked perfectly.

Good Luck

hello! i need ur help .. i wana know how to do interfacing between mobile phone and microcontroller..... plzzzzz tell me as i will need tos 4 ma final knw dis 4 ma final project

Using SMS language / short hand typing is not allowed here. Read rules before posting {MOD}

sorry ! so please help me n guide me about how to do interfacing between mobile and microcontroller. as im doing project regarding this. waiting for your help . thank you

What mobile phone are you using ?? What do you mean by ordinary mobile phone.. technically it should be possible to use any mobile phone, but there are some technical difficulties... like most phones are USB slaves so, you need a host device to communicate with them (such as a computer) apart from the hardware, the software to control a phone using USB may be very exhaustive and complex.

But if you simply want a RS 232 based connection then again only some phones support this, read the previous posts for a list.

i use this Bluetooth Module To Communicate with the phone,many Phone Support AT Command (Extended).

Best Result Is With Nokia Phone like a 2730 cost 45$....

you can Buy at Digikey Bluetooth Module (Dip version)but Cost more $$)

i,ve tried a lot's of phone,and majority support At Command,But not's all support extended like a AT+CMGR,GS etc

How to Find a right Phone?,Do what i do,Buy Bluetooth Dongle,Go at the mobile store with your laptop,and Try command on the phone before buying. e z no?

hope this help

i found this module: RN-41-SM
could you please give some hints/guides on hardware modifications i have to do to connect to uC for rs232 communication.
would this module or RN-41 be easier to use??

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