mobile communication project on matlab

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CDMA project on FPGA

hi ronak can u give me your block diagram as soon as possible? my block dia is same as in these forum.if your block dia is same then send me your details.

Re: CDMA project on FPGA

my project report of cdma on fpga that may help u a lot.....

CDMA project on FPGA

hi ronak where r u? i am waiting for your replay.
i can`t find above link. i have simulink version of 6.6.may be this will in newer version of simulink.i think i need simulink hdl coder for this.if u have it than send me as soon as possible.or please send me exact path step by step.

CDMA project on FPGA

hi ronak i can open your all work.thank u very much once again.but now i want all details of your project.i want details of your all block how they are working?like simple cdma,dscdma &awgn.u can send me on my email

Re: CDMA project on FPGA

first start making codes for digital cdma in matlab.make .m file for project.use function for that....function creates ur indivdual .m file.
and see simulation result figures...

now make .m file for sine of cosine wave as msg signal of cdma,u may use 8-bit quantization at tx side.and 8- bit dequantization at Rx side, by just editing ur old project of digital cdma.

now ,inspite of using sine or cosine wave make speech signal by passing while noise from 4.KHz lpf.

i had completed upto auto-correlation part of ds-cdma,but did give .m file to u.(i hope u make it and its neccesory to built ur own model for cdma.)

then after try to make enhanced .mdl file then me.hdl coder converts it into .v or .vhld file.

which fpga u r going to use?altera or xilinx?
if u r using altera EP2c8 series i have other new and easy option to make a project
in "C"....

CDMA project on FPGA

hi ronak
thank u for your replay.
i am using altera.
i have comleted my .m file by my own logic but i had`t use fuction for that. i have run your cdma.mdl but can`t run dscdma.mdl can`t generate test bench for it.
so can u please send me some other document regarding your project. i have read your project report.

Re: CDMA project on FPGA

is the information will be transmitted through RF antenna ?
what is the band width of used antenna ?

can you suppose on me how can I implement CDMA and GSM standards on same FPGA?


CDMA project on FPGA

i need help in simulation part.theory of cdma is cleared.i need imformetion about parameter of all blocks,function of all blocks and how waveform look like after each blocks.esspecially integration & dump block.i can`t understand it (in dscdma).do u implement as same block dia gram as this forum shown(on 1st page,1st block diagram)

Re: CDMA project on FPGA


CDMA project on FPGA

hi deepak
about which project u asked? u already complete this
anyway send me your materials also.please send me all details of your project with block dia,figures,results etc.wich can be very useful to me in my project. thank u very much for your response.

Re: CDMA project on FPGA

soory,no.i dont have matlab write now.m on my job place.
do simulation by ur ownself...
but i may be help u...
1.see example project (.mdl file) of matlab7.1...
2.go to toolbox of simulink,there u will find one option to config. type of all model links...
3.set i/p,o/p,links between to models as u required.say suppose u int8,int16,unsiged int....
4.bcoz data type must be mached between all connection...
5.1st make simple .mdl file as in project,that is easily simulated in hdl coder...that genrates the vhdl code...
6. make project in quatus to download bit file into fpga....

Added after 2 minutes:

yes it can...
but it required addtion rf h/ws....

Re: CDMA project on FPGA

:?:hey what is the purpose of dis project.

what u intend it should do.

plz reply as i'm interested in ur project & want 2 take it as my final yr. proj

Re: CDMA project on FPGA

sorry 4 late reply.....
6. one is in IDE tool of altera named as quatus make a new project for ur altera device.....and pest the .vhd file into it...
simulate it on it....
u can make test bench file for project to in matlab,that is one or the advantage of using matlab simulator....
u jus put timing delay in test file to simulate real it chip software named modelsim...
r u gujarati,indian???
whr r u frm????
m at baroda....

Added after 1 minutes:

hey...coolraj read my file yr project.....which i hv already uploaded on this page...
by understand it u will get idea....

CDMA project on FPGA

i am from surat. and i am p g student. i am also studying in vv nager gcet(m.e communication). had your project run on fpga kit? can u give me your matlab code?please............

Added after 8 minutes:

have u generate vhdl code & test bench from your model? if u can & send me

Re: CDMA project on FPGA

m also from surat.m working at baroda rightnow...
m compleded my b.e. electronics from b.v.m college,passout at 2009.

my codes were working on xilinx sparten kit perfectly...
okay...i will give my code to u at diwali,bcs i left my backup at surat.

you should go to girirajsir,electronics fclty,GCET cllg, he is expert in matlab & fpga code design....
he helps me a lot in .m to .vhdl convertion process...

CDMA project on FPGA

ok thank u very very much.oh girirajsir?? i have passout my be from scet at 2004.

ok please send me your matlab prog as soon as possible. i have to complete my work in november`s 1st week, if possible
have u any photo copy of your project. any thing about your project please send me everything.
ok bye happy diwali.

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