mmc card image file for rfid (mfrc522 13.56 MHz) in proteus?or any rfid module there?

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Newbie level 1
Mar 21, 2015
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i wanna know that how to use rfid (mfrc455 13.5MHz) in proteus??
or any dummy module for that which uses SCK,SDA,MOSI,MISO pins as this module uses spi communication

as i have seen rfid on proteus in google but can't find it or any of its library

but if i use mmc then what would be the card image file
plz reply ASAP

I am also in search for the same library . did u get the library for the same ?

As you can see, this post is quite old and has never been replied. I can see 2 main reasons:
- I don't understand what he wants. I don't see any relation between a RFID module and an MMC card
except maybe that both use SPI.
- The original poster is too lazy to write correctly. No points, no capical letters, "plz" instead of please,
I guess. If he's too lazy to write correctly, why should I bother replying to him?

By the way, you may consider saying hello, thanks, etc... And you may consider writing correctly,
for example "you" instead of "u".


Hi Dora,
Sorry that if I had not followed the etiquette . I am really in search of the library that supports the MFRC 522 RFID .There is one for the arduino which is almost stable but nowhere i find that for the PIC18F or PIC16F.
I searched many a times and could not find any results .
If you are aware of any such libraries for the PIC then that would be helpful for me else I need to go through the arduino and may have to convert that but that would be tough and time consuming.

If you have or know anything about that please do let me know



In fact, I usually never trust what can be found on the net because I don't know who wrote it,
etc. So a library is usually a bad choice (I mean a compiled library).
Finding some source code may help to start. But the documentation of the chip itself is
better than anything else

If you google mfrc522.c, you will find source code on github. I have never tested it, but I would
certainly have a look at it if I had to start something.


Thanks Dora,
I have been going through the arduino library,the source code only and i started going through the workflow. I don't need the complex functionality rather a UID read would be enough.

anyway i will continue my research and I don't get enough time daily as I need to do these all after my office work. anyway thanks for the information

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