Mis alignment control system

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Sep 1, 2023
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I want to ask for guidance i am stucked in my final year project . I need an alignment system that can measure the distance between the transmitter and receiver placed at a distance with the help of sensors like rssi or any other moreover if my receiver changes its direction or position it can automatically tell the transmitter about its new position and with he help of sensor or algorithm they both correct their heading for point to point transmission. For this i am using mpu9250 for heading and orientation but i dont know how to take the distance the receiver travels from.its reference point or is their any other methodology

Have you checked methods used in existing systems like this one?
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If your max movement is small then perhaps an optical sight
is the way to go - quad photodiodes with a cross baffle can
give you a bridge whose feedback can center the spot of
(say) a laser pointed mounted at the far end and initially

Free roaming wants something much more capable. But
you would have to make that call based on the mechanicals.

What comes to my mind is the radio-based system used in flight navigation. The base transmits a beacon signal on a particular frequency. Instruments have functions with names like DME (distance measuring equipment) and VOR.

To measure distance requires one unit calls the other, triggering the other to call back immediately. Distance is gauged via speed-of-light calculations.

The base transmits in the direction of various angles around the compass with a signal which tells each direction it's transmitting toward. By this an airplane detects at what compass angle the base is located.

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