srksp said:
Hi all,
I am trying to implement MIMO for OFDMA system. I dont know how should i generate the channel matrix. and what sort of decoding algorithm to use. It would be very helpful if anyone could give some idea on this. I thought of using 2X2 system.
First part of ur question. usually we consider MIMO channel matrix as a zero mean circularly symmetric complex Gaussian (ZMCSCG) random variable, so u can generate in MATLAB this complex random variable very easily with one command as below:
>> complex(rand(mean,variance,NT,NR),rand(mean,variance,NT,NR))
I really can not get second part of your question. What do u mean by decoding algorithm? First you have to encode the signal for transmission. But I am not sure what u really want for the second part, plz explain us may be we can help u bit more.