MikroC pic32


Jul 22, 2024
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i am using this programming with pic32 fusion v7 with the dongle , and when I try to use with the TFT I got error of the library file so I cant fix it
this is the error:

this is when i am using this library:
void PrepareTFT()
  TFT_BLED = 1;
  TFT_Init_ILI9341_8bit(320, 240);

thank you for your helps
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__Lib_TFT_Defs.c can be found in your mikroC installation, there's nothing hidden about the error. My guess is that you missed to define char TFT_DataPort in your application and macros Hi() and Lo() fail to compile due to missing argument.

Here is also a thread about this error. You can check these answers.
Including the "built_in.h" library may help.
If you look forward to making a PIC32MX795 development board, you can check this out:

The error message you're seeing suggests that the linker is unable to find the TFTInitILI93418bitTFTInitILI93418bit function, which is defined in the TFT library.

Here are a few things you can try to fix the issue:

1. Make sure that the TFT library is properly installed and linked to your project. Check your project's build settings to ensure that the library is included in the build.
2. If you're using a custom TFT library, make sure that it's compatible with the Pic32 Fusion v7 and the TFT display you're using.
3. Double-check that you're using the correct function name and parameters. The TFTInitILI93418bitTFTInitILI93418bit function takes two parameters: the screen width and height. Make sure that the values you're passing match the specifications of your TFT display.
4. If you're still having trouble, try searching for solutions specific to the Pic32 Fusion v7 and the TFT display you're using. There may be known issues or workarounds that are specific to your hardware.

Here's an example of how to properly include and use the TFT library in your code:

#include <tft.h>

void PrepareTFT()
  TFT_BLED = 1;
  TFT_Init_ILI9341_8bit(320, 240);
In this example, we're including the TFT library at the beginning of the code using the #∈clude#∈clude directive. We're then defining the PrepareTFTPrepareTFT function, which initializes the TFT display using the TFTInitILI93418bitTFTInitILI93418bit function.

Make sure to replace tft.htft.h with the correct header file for your TFT library.

I hope this helps!
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