Advanced Member level 1

mikroC, a complete development IDE with a very userfriendly GUI, lot of examples and a built-in C-compiler with a good built-in library functions is released by mikroElektronika, a third party developer for Microchip.
The download links can be found here:
**broken link removed**
mikroPASCAL for dspIC will be released and time from now.
Updates for mikroBASIC and mikroPASCAL are also due.
Kindly post your views on mikroC here, telling us how good a MPLAB substitute is it!
Thanks and regards,
The download links can be found here:
**broken link removed**
mikroPASCAL for dspIC will be released and time from now.
Updates for mikroBASIC and mikroPASCAL are also due.
Kindly post your views on mikroC here, telling us how good a MPLAB substitute is it!
Thanks and regards,