Middlebrook's Method VS Tian's Method VS Middlebrook's General Feedback Theorem

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Here is nice paper comparing various stability methods, including Middlebrook and Tian.


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Middlebrook's method makes the assumption that there is no forward-transmission through the feedback network. Tian's Method is more general because it doesn't make this assumption.

Someone told me the above which I am bit confused. Do you have any comment ?

Is this related to impedance looking into the negative input of the opamp is much larger than the impedance looking into the feedback network from the input of opamp ?

Here is the loop gain test circuit for Middlebrook method. Why use Vt= AC 1 on the feedback path ?

How to derive this more accurate formula for loop gain (equation 3.64) ?


But why use "V2 = AC 1" on the feedback path ?
Why no backwards loading ?
Why must the test signal located between low impedance point and high impedance point ?

> Tian's method allows for backwards loading so that the signal insertion point may be anywhere along the loop.
> To do this, it requires two measurements and some simple calculations to combine them.

How does Tian's method accounts for reverse feedback ? Is backwards loading equivalent to reverse feedback ?
What does it mean by the inserted probe elements result in smaller, sparser circuit matrix ?

> The General Feedback Theorem allows for multiple influential feedback loops all of which may have backwards loading.

Why GFT allows multiple feedback loops while Tian's Method and Middlebrook's method do not ?

The above quote is reply from Frank Wiedmann, the author of the loop gain article

Now, how to derive equations (17) and (19) below ?



  • Measurement of loop gain in feedback systems - Middlebrook Method.pdf
    513.7 KB · Views: 544

Equation (17): Looking at Figure 13a and calling the current through Z2 (from + to –) i, we have (with vx=v being the voltage over Z1, incorrectly also labelled vz in the figure):

vy = Z2 * i
vx = Z1 * (i – Gm * vx)
Solve the first equation for i, insert it into the second one and solve for vy/vx.

Equation (19): Looking at Figure 13b, we have:
v = Z1 * ix
v = Z2 * (iy – Gm * v)
Insert the first equation into the second one (twice) and solve for iy/ix.

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