Microwave Scholarships for IEEE student members--May 2

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IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Undergraduate/Pre-Graduate Scholarships

NOTE: Deadline extended to Monday May 2nd


The purpose of these scholarships is to attract undergraduates to the microwave and RF discipline, and to encourage them to pursue graduate degrees in this field.


* The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) will award up to ten $1500 undergraduate/pre-graduate scholarships for the 2005-2006 academic year. Please note the increase in the award level over that of past years.

* Applicant must be an undergraduate student in electrical engineering (or related field) at the time of application, and should be enrolled full-time in his/her final year of the undergraduate program, first year of graduate studies, or combined B.S./M.S. program during the 2005-2006 academic year.

* The student must identify a faculty mentor who will supervise the applicant's project or thesis work in the microwave/RF area. Alternatively, project work may be conducted in conjunction with industry, but a faculty mentor must still be identified.

* Applicant must be an IEEE student member, and the faculty mentor must be an IEEE MTT-S member.

* There are no citizenship requirements. Awards will be distributed globally based on society membership. Awards are limited to one per faculty mentor.

* Awards will be announced during the 2005 International Microwave Symposium in Long Beach, CA, USA.

* Funds may be used for project materials and/or stipends.

* Awardees are also encouraged to attend an MTT-S sponsored conference. Travel expenses are partially reimbursed (over and above the $1500 award).

Application Deadline: May 2, 2005

More details on the Scholarship application and award process, as well as downloadable application forms, are available from the IEEE MTT-S Web Page **broken link removed** under Awards or Education > Undergraduate/Pre-Graduate Scholarships.

For more information contact:

Dr. Sanjay Raman
The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech
613 Whittemore Hall, Mail Code 0111, Blacksburg, VA, USA 24061
Tel: 540-231-2294; e-mail: sraman@vt.edu


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