microstrip filter design

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Newbie level 5
Feb 12, 2015
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how to find out the electrical length for any feed line for the better impedence matching?

how to get design a design equations for the open loop ring resonator? i'm really getting more trouble in this...

One solution is to run the feed line separately with a 50 ohm lumped port or wave port at each end of the line. Use parametric analysis by changing the length of the line, from the resultant S11/S21 you can estimate the good length of the feed line which gives S11 < -20 dB and S21 > -0.5 dB in the interested bandwidth .....

I believe that the length of the line shouldn't affect the values of S11/S21 that much ..... plz let us know your findings if you will follow this method
I just do not understand why the phase of S21 is Beta*d

The phase of s21 is equal to the phase at port 2 relative to the phase at port 1. Since Beta is the rate at which phase changes with distance (measured in rad/m), Beta times the length travelled in meters will give the the total phase incurred.
The phase of s21 is equal to the phase at port 2 relative to the phase at port 1. Since Beta is the rate at which phase changes with distance (measured in rad/m), Beta times the length travelled in meters will give the the total phase incurred.


Thanks a lot
can we optimize the whole layout by bringing it into schematic and setting goals for the S11 and S21 in ADS

why i"m getting this below error when i'm optimizing my design in ADS2011
***** Abnormal Simulator Termination *****
The simulator has unexpectedly terminated.

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