Microstrip antennas tutorial for dummies

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Jan 5, 2003
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microstrip antenna tutorial

Hi all,
I was trying to design a microstrip antenna, but with no success...
I am not familiar with this technique, so I was searching for documents, books, articles, everything who can help me to understand and design the antenna and the feeding network.
My goal is to design a dual beam antenna, on 2.4GHz and with the beams at 45° (+/- 22.5° from the center of antenna). I have tried with Ans*ft De****er 2.0 to simulate some ideas, but I always have large antennas with poor gains... (my gain goal is about 13 dB).

Can someone help me please?
Any suggestion is welcome!


antenna for dummies

This is an interesting article. You can find much more information on the web about this topic.


antenna design for dummies

Hi Duplex,
No, I am not explained very well, sorry!
Well, my need is to design a microwave patch-array antenna.
An array of square patches(or nearly square, but suggestions are welcome) on a substrate (RT4003), calculated to make a dual beam at 2.45 GHz.

I have looked your pdf, but there is a different kind of approach.

Hi Flatulent!
Do you mean to design two identical antennas and feed them with 180° fase?

I have made some tests designing two patches feeded by a in-fase and 180° fase alimentation.
In this case I had a dual beam antenna, and working on the distance of the patches I can control the angle of the dual beam.

My problem is to have a significant gain (of about 13 db) without using a too large array ($$ and hard to realize)...

My fault is to not have the sufficient background to obtain this, but I like this task, and I have no problem to study papers where I can find explanations...

I have found several documents on Internet, but no one of them could help me, so I ask you for documents or hints!

Thank you all!


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