antenna design for dummies
Hi Duplex,
No, I am not explained very well, sorry!
Well, my need is to design a microwave patch-array antenna.
An array of square patches(or nearly square, but suggestions are welcome) on a substrate (RT4003), calculated to make a dual beam at 2.45 GHz.
I have looked your pdf, but there is a different kind of approach.
Hi Flatulent!
Do you mean to design two identical antennas and feed them with 180° fase?
I have made some tests designing two patches feeded by a in-fase and 180° fase alimentation.
In this case I had a dual beam antenna, and working on the distance of the patches I can control the angle of the dual beam.
My problem is to have a significant gain (of about 13 db) without using a too large array ($$ and hard to realize)...
My fault is to not have the sufficient background to obtain this, but I like this task, and I have no problem to study papers where I can find explanations...
I have found several documents on Internet, but no one of them could help me, so I ask you for documents or hints!
Thank you all!