Microstrip antenna design on a PCB

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Jan 4, 2008
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pcb antenna design

HI! All,

I have to design a Microstrip antenna for testing 2.4GHz transmiter chip. I know the specifications needed such as length ,width ,height and dielectric constant . but the problem is i dont know how to go about making it using a PCB software.
Put in other words .. Please someone tell me how to make a MICROSTRIP antenna on a PCB.May be some design steps and flowchart.

I am a novice in this field so if i have missed to convey some information please reply ....

looking for kind help

pcb antenna design software

At 2.4 GHz the band is the ISM band. So if all you
want to do is testing then buying an antenna for
802.11 will get you by. There are hundreds of
antennas already designed for this band and they are cheap.
For other hand if you want to design the antenna
some considerations you should have in mind as the
bandwidth, volume available, external vs internal
antenna, cost, etc....etc.

microstrip antenna design software

At first, design the antenna using some commercial software like CST, HFSS or in ADS Momentum. When you are satisfied with your design (frequency range, bandwidth, return loss .... ) you should process the file to build it. I'm not quite sure what kind of facility do you have to build such antennas. If you have the possibility to etch such circuit, you print the antenna in a transparent film and etch.

microstrip pcb

Thank you all for your suggestions
Actually i am using 'PCB' software for this. But i don't know how to built antenna on using this. Mainly say for microstrip antenna first i made a ground plate (60*60 mm2) then i have to put dielectric over which the antenna plate will come but how to put that dielectric, how to interface this antenna with my transceiver and stuffs like this.( a design guide will be of lot help if some one has it.) The dimensions of places were found using simulation in matlab.
So i would actually be needing the process/ steps as to how to go about making it in PCB software.

I again apologize if my question is vague, i am new in this field.


microstrip antenna design

What kind of PCB software do you currently use?


microstrip antenna software

actually the software is called "PCB" software.
Its open source and available for both linux and XP OS

2.4 ghz pcb antenna design

OK, I don't know the software. Can you name the web link?


microstrip antenna pcb

Actually to be frank i don't know the web link... i have it already installed in my institutes's lab.

I have a transceiver ship that is to be tested. I have all specifications for this and for the antenna that is to be designed. My problem is i don't know who to make antenna (specially micro strip antenna) on a PCB , but i know who to route a circuit on PCB.

I entreat for help.

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