MicroSim 8.0 and .spi files

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Christoph Weber

Newbie level 2
Dec 4, 2013
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MicroSim 8.0 and .spi files -> Model undefined


I need to do some SPICE simulation with the AUIRF7669L2 MOSFET on MicroSim 8.0. Therefore I downloaded the SPICE model from here. I saved the file locally and renamed it to auirf7669l2.lib. I also added this library in MicroSim with Analysis -> Library and Include Files to the included Library Files. Then I placed some FET (IRF034) in my schematics and changed the model of this part (MODEL=auirf7669l2). But I can not simulate this circuit. It always tells me, that the Model auirf7669l2 is undefined.
I also tried to create a new part. But also here I get the same error message.

Why does this error occur?

Best Regards

I don't use MicroSim but I suspect your problems is that the library uses a subcircuit called auirf7669l2 not a model. You need to create a symbol which calls the subcircuit name correctly I suspect.


I don't use MicroSim but I suspect your problems is that the library uses a subcircuit called auirf7669l2 not a model. You need to create a symbol which calls the subcircuit name correctly I suspect.

I also tried to create a symbol. To get sure I do the right thing, I downloaded such example models for MicroSim from IR. But when I try to simulate these models, MicroSim still tells me, that the appropriate model is undefined.

For me everything seems to be specified correctly, I don't have clue what causes the fault in my case.

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