Microcontroller Miscellaneous Question

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Advanced Member level 3
Aug 1, 2011
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Dear All

Please see picture that I pointed out The " A " is Auto and " C " is Copy
and " U " is user and " S " ....

please explain what is this A C U and S

Thanks in advance


From MPLAB Help,

Auto, User, System

Add Files to Project Select the desired radio button to determine which files are added to the active project.

Auto: MPLAB IDE will determine which files to add. These will usually be all known files in the selected directory that are associated with MPLAB IDE.

User: You select the files to add. The files are associated with the project via relative (to the project directory) paths.

System: You select the files to add. The files are associated with the project via absolute (root) paths.
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    Points: 2
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Dear wp100
Thank you very much you always help us. can I have any text manual to read more about this

can I have any text manual to read more about this


Well never really noticed those A,U, S before, I just looked in the Help section of Mplab - select MPLAB IDE and search on Add File which brings up that section.

Don't think there will be any more info anywhere else as it just part of Mplab.

I just create a basic project and then start the new project and either Project , 'Add New File to Project' or 'Add File to Project'
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Dear All I found this from MPLAB help

Project Wizard - Add Files
Step 4: Add Any Existing Files to Your Project - If you already have files that you would like to add to the new project, select them now:

Choose the file(s) to add. Click on a file name to select that file. <Ctrl> + Click to select more than one file. Click Add>> to list file(s) to be added to the new project.
Click the icon next to the file name to cycle through available modes (see below).
To remove file(s) from the list, click on the file name(s) to select and then click Remove.
Most projects will require the addition of a linker script file. Consult your language tool documentation for details.

Click Next to continue.

File-Addition Modes
The MPLAB IDE project wizard now supports file-addition modes. Modes affect whether the project references the file by a relative or absolute path, which impacts project portability and the behavior of "Save Project As".

Relative paths typically improve project portability, where as absolute paths tend to make projects less portable. "Save Project As" using relative paths causes a file to be copied when a project is saved to a new directory. "Save Project As" using absolute paths merely adjusts the file's path when a project is saved to a new directory.

[A] Auto - Allow MPLAB IDE to determine whether the file's path should be relative or absolute based upon the file's location. If the project directory contains the file, the reference is a relative path. Otherwise, the reference is an absolute path.

User - Reference the file with a relative path. This is the preferred way to add files created specifically for a project.

System - Reference the file with an absolute path. There are cases when this mode is useful, but these paths often require correction when a project is moved from one system to another.

[C] Copy - Copy a file to the project directory and add a relative path to the copied file.

Optionally, edit the file name to rename the local copy of the file. This mode provides a convenient way to incorporate linker scripts and template source files into a project without introducing an absolute path.

---------- Post added at 23:13 ---------- Previous post was at 23:04 ----------


I build my own pickit2 programmer. when I connected to computer It shows "PICkit 2 connected ID=OIHoss" then I replace my friend's pickit2 programmer IC PIC18f2550 to my hardware then it is working fine
please advice


Well that seems to be working in part if you get that far.

The ID is just a simple identifying name assigned to that PK2, you can have more than one Pk2 connected to your PC at a time so it needs a unique ID.

You can change the ID in the Tools Menu.

Have you connected it to a target Pic chip, does it recognise the Device ?

Which circuit / plan have you built, is it on a breadboard, strip board or pcb ?
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Have you connected it to a target Pic chip, does it recognise the Device ?

Yes it is recognised the devices

or thanks it is now working properly I changed the ID
Thanks again and again

Dear all,
I used my own design USB programmer as debugger
May it damage the USB port of the computer, when I use my target board without external power
(my target board has LCD also)
Then please advice how may I use debugging with external power
and how may I manage external power without any damage to USB port
Thanks in advance


Be better if we could see the circuit diagram you have used - there are a several clone variations around.

Are you using the usb on a Desktop or battery powered laptop etc ?
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Dear all
currently I am using Desktop pc and hopes to use battery powered laptop

all design done by myself without schematic, so I think and design the PCB therefore I would like to publish that PCB design



As far as I can see your +5v to the target board is switched by the 2n3906 from pin 25.

So that transistor is the isolator between the two power rails of the USB and your Targets own power.

That transistor will also be the limit of how much power your target board can take from the usb line.

The problem is that transistor may drop your +5v down by 0.6v, so getting a little low, possibly even lower with the low voltage on a laptops usb line.

You might be better leaving out that line and just using a Schottky diode. 0.2v drop only, as in D4 of this diagram.


  • minipk2.jpg
    66.6 KB · Views: 76
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    Points: 2
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Dear WP100,
Thinks you very much for prompt reply

1.In my pickit 2, I used 1mH( Brown / Black / Red) inductor instant of 680UH what do you think about this
2. if we use Schottky diode with direct USB power to my target board.May it be damage my USB port.

3.Can we drive target board with LCD using USB power without external power in debugging mode
Last edited:

1.In my pickit 2, I used 1mH( Brown / Black / Red) inductor instant of 680UH what do you think about this

I use 470uh and that works fine, have read about others using 1mh without problems - as long as you get over 11v on Vpp it will be fine.

2. if we use Schottky diode with direct USB power to my target board. May it be damage my USB port.

The Diode will stop any voltage from your target board, if it has its own power source, running back into the pcs usb line.

The pcs USB line can supply 500ma @5v which will easily power all your lcds and leds etc.
As an extra safety measure put a 250ma fuse in the +5v line.

When you remove that transistor and feed +5v though the diode to the output connector, the Pk2 will always see the taget board as it if has its own power source - which is fine.

If you ever want to program chips at 3v3 then simply put the incoming USB +5v into a 3v3 regulator and power the Pk2 and target chip from that. Again something I have done ok.

3.Can we drive target board with LCD using USB power without external power in debugging mode

Yes, no problems.
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    Points: 2
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Dear wp100,
thanks for nice explanation
I edit my pickit2 PCB base on your advice and circuit diagram but not yet developed the PCB
so I need to learn some think about pickit2 that mean how build 11v on vpp pin IN PICKIT2 ( how it happens ?)
please advice

Dear All,
I connected my PICkit2 with my target board it has LCD connected to PORTB in 8bit mode
my question is in debugging mode RB6 and RB7 connected to PICkit2 while connected to LCD therefore can we debug the program with this connectivity
please advice

Please has anyone the program for any PIC to be used in a standard 16 x 1 or 16 x 2 display, only displaying V_Bat, Curr, V_out and volt and also
a logo
many thanks

Please has anyone the program for any PIC to be used in a standard 16 x 1 or 16 x 2 display, only displaying V_Bat, Curr, V_out and volt and also
a logo
many thanks

This is not that much hard. How can we help you

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