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Microcontroller major work help

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Feb 6, 2005
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Hi everyone :)

Ok, well I'm doing my HSC major work this year and I decided to use a microcontroller. I dont have much knowledge on electronics and I was wondering if you guys could please help me.

I was leaning towards a PIC, but is there all different sorts?

How about I describe what I'm doing, it may help...

OK firstly I would like a sensor on a door, so once someone goes into the room the sensor is triggered and turns on a red light. If the sensor is triggered within 2 min I would like the light to simply go off. If the sensor is triggered after 2 min I would like the red light to stay on and when the sensor is finally triggered an orange light to go on for like 10 min.

I hope it isnt too confusing...I have no idea how easy or hard it would be to do, I have no idea where to start or anything. If anyone could help me in ANY way I will appreciate it heaps :)

Thanks all!

Firs you should identify which microcontroller you would like to use. I think you should choose one that doesn't need special programmer to program it.
This one, for example, can be programmed directly through serial port: DS89C420
**broken link removed**
Its core is 8051 compatible.
Some time ago there was a topic in this forum (you can use SEARCH) how to generate 1s time interval using 8051.
This will be usefull for counting 2minutes and 10 minutes intervals.

As far as hardware you can choose reed switch or infrared detector for sensing someone who opens the door.
For the test purposes you can use LED instead of a light and connect light later once you have everything else working.

may i have a suggestion
as you decided to lean with PIC than i suggest you going to use pci16f84a it is the most popular 8 bit MCU nowaday. and you could find many resouces on the net. try to search AN566 from microchip website

It is an easy task to do but you Programming Description is quite confusing, it is always to show a flowchart.

Btw, I suggest two PICs whichever is the available in your place.

1. PIC16F628
2. PIC16F84A

Both are good microcontrollers, the PIC16F628 is quite better than PIC16F84A, any of the two can do your application.

glenjoy said:
It is an easy task to do but you Programming Description is quite confusing, it is always to show a flowchart.

Btw, I suggest two PICs whichever is the available in your place.

1. PIC16F628
2. PIC16F84A

Both are good microcontrollers, the PIC16F628 is quite better than PIC16F84A, any of the two can do your application.

I agree, any of these uC will be more than sufficient to do the job and u can also get free samples from Microchip for these parts....also the code should be pretty straightforward and if u can provide a better description of the problem then i guess there are several users who can help u with ur code too...

Thanks guys! My mind is buzzing now :eek:k: I'll look up all of those and have a look.

Here is a flow chart, sorry my other explaination was confusing.

Flow chart

•Door triggers a sensor

•Sensor triggers red light

scenario 1)

•Sensor is triggered within 2 min

•Light goes off

scenario 2)

•Sensor is triggered after 2 min

•Orange light goes on

•Light goes off after 10 min

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