Microcontroller interfacing with S-PDIF connector

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Sep 27, 2010
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I have a project,in that project I have to send data from microcontroller to S-PDIF connector(audio connector).Is it possible?? If possible which microcontroller should i use??


S/PDIF is an audio interface combined with the audio protocol.

I think you don't mean the audio protocol but the physical interface.

With S/PDIF there are different connections.
* Electrical unsymmetric signal via cinch connector
* Electrical symmetric with transformers (mainly used in prfessional studio equipment and AES/EBU protocol)
* Optical with toslink system
* Maybe there are other ones...

If you mean to use the toslink optical receivers, transmitters and pov, then it should be possible.

Hope this helps

Thanks for your reply.
I think better I will explain about my project briefly.In my project there is 8 light sensor and avg. value of sensor ouput will send to microcontroller and later should display in smart phone through S-PDIF connector.


first check what S/PDIF there is. What connector, What signals and what amplitudes.


Some thoughts:
I don´t think S/PDIF is common with smartphones. Why don´t you use bluetooth?

Also i dont think it´s possible to input digital data to the S/PDIF port that are not standard S/PDIF protocol.
On the other hand one can imagine to convert the light sensor signals audio ADC with S/PDIF interface. Mind that most Audio ADCs can not handle DC and very low frequencies.
Also eight channels may be possible with S/PDIF, but not PCM coded.

One way could be to build a modem like sensor interface, that transmits the data in audible format - like fax machines do.
Then you can feed via S/PDIF an decode it in your smartphone.

Hope this helps

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hiii techgreed,
I am sorry...that is not my part and I don't know about that,that will do by software people.My part is upto S/PDIF connector(only hardware).

hiii techgreed,
I am sorry...that is not my part and I don't know about that,that will do by software people.My part is upto S/PDIF connector(only hardware).

ther are so many ways to do this. But a lot of them may not work because of the smartphones possibilities.
What works and what not you first have to discuss with the software guys.

What to discuss is in my first post.

Its about like..
You want to travel to your next village, but there is no way. Both villages start to build one. One starts to build a railway, the other starts to build a motorway... then they meet in the middle...
Talking with each other helps.


Yes. You need to first know how the software guys neeeds the data. I hope it has to be in some encoded format. So first, you will have to encode the output from the sensors into a format which is readable from the smartphone.

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